Perhaps the finest known provincial coin of Clodius Albinus
Los 411
THRACE. Pautalia. Clodius Albinus, as Caesar, 193-195. Diassarion (Orichalcum, 24 mm, 11.92 g, 7 h). ΚΛΟΔ ΑΛΒΕΙΝΟC ΚΑΙ Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Clodius Albinus to right. Rev. OΥΛΠΙΑC ΠΑΥΤΑ/ΛΙΑC Coiled serpent to right, feeding from altar; to left, grain ear. Ruzicka -. SNG Copenhagen -. Varbanov 4614. Very rare and in exceptional condition for this difficult issue, perhaps the finest known. An unusually well struck and complete example with a beautiful portrait. Good very fine.

From the collection of Dr. P. Vogl, ex Aufhäuser 7, 9 October 1990, 514 (with collector's ticket).

Only three cities ever issued Provincial coins in the name of Clodius Albinus: Pautalia, Smyrna and Sardes. This is due to the fact that the East was in the hands of Septimius Severus, who only reluctantly accepted Clodius Albinus as his co-ruler before breaking with him in 195.
1500 CHF
1200 CHF
1800 CHF
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